How diet influences flexibility

How diet influences flexibility

We take a look at some of the foods that may help to aid flexibility, lubricate our joints, strengthen our bones and reduce inflammation.


  • Omega 3 and spices – fight inflammation
  • Calcium and Vitamin D – protect bone health
  • Collagen and Silicon – maintain healthy connective tissues
  • Nourishing herbal tea to aid flexibility

Balance is key

Nettles – are rich in calcium, iron, protein and antioxidants, they are very nourishing and strengthening. Nettle is super used as a food too, add to soups and curries.

Horsetail – is rich in soluble silica which is readily absorbed. It supports the regeneration of bones, cartilage and other connective tissue. Horsetail is also said to increase strength and elasticity.

Marshmallow – contains an abundance of mucilage which soothes inflamed tissues. It promotes and accelerates the healing of our tissues.  Marshmallow may help us to recover more quickly from an active yoga session.

Hana Evans

Hana Evans

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